Monday, July 20, 2009

Finding Comfort in an unknown Higher Power

I really appreciated Christy and Danielle spending a few minutes of their day with me to discuss their views of reality. They even interrupted what looked like a fairly intense game of scrabble and indulged my many questions, for which I'm truly thankful.

Grab a cup of java and enjoy the interview. Let me apologize in advance for some of the awkward camera angles. Juggling the microphone and camera and trying to listen proved to be a challenge.

It may come as a surprise, but I too reject organized religion. Let's not forget, it was Bible believing religious clergy that crucified Jesus Christ. They were trying to use the holy things of God to hold on to their religious power and they resented Jesus exposing their hypocrisy. But rather than humble themselves and seek forgiveness, they chose to kill the Son of God.

However, rejecting man made traditions, rules, and clerical hierarchy is not the same thing as rejecting God, truth and authentic spiritual community. I reject the man made fake stuff because I've been brought to embrace Divine reality.

Hypocrisy comes in many forms, sometimes religious, sometimes irreligious. Holding onto personal power is usually the issue. Jesus Christ put it this way, "I am the Light of the World. Whoever loves truth comes into the Light. This is the verdict; that Light has come into the world but men loved darkness because their deeds are evil and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed."

Danielle is right that faith should be reasonable and based on evidence. God's not out to convince us against our wills, but He does assure us that if we will seek we will find; if we will humble ourselves, we'll find His grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. But this may actually be closer to the heart of the matter. What are you honestly seeking? Is it the true and living God? What could be more worthwhile?

Jesus Christ conquering death is solid evidence of His Divine authority and the Scriptures that prophesied His coming, His life, death, resurrection and return. By all means, investigate the evidence. Check out some of the links on this page under "Resources for reality". But don't neglect to search your heart as well.

Got reflections of your own? Post a comment.

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